Site Updates

My News

Well. Lots of changes for the site and a new start! Back in 2023 I got a bit slack in regards to this website and ended up taking the CCNA exam and passing thankfully. However I fully intend on going back and making a few posts regarding some of the exam topics. Just to refresh my memory a bit. As well as that I have taken up learning aspects of Cybersecurity through which has been quite fun, so I’ll most likely be doing posts about the topics I learn from that.

The reason for this site? Well its mostly for my self and my own interests.

Site updates

In regards to the site, I decided a fresh start would be in order. So we’ve changed from Hostinger as a wordpress web server provider to Cloudflare. Turns out, its way cheaper that way. Cloudflare offers a free static website hosting plan too which was a huge plus.